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GARBOLINO SIDE PULLA KITSYour Shopping Bakset 0 items
Fantastic new puller slot top kits designed to fit all recent Garbolino poles so that you can play fish off the elastic by pulling the elastic back through the ceramic slot in the side of the pole.
The side pullers make it easy to strip the elastic back even when using top 4 or 5 kits. Reinforced for strength this helps catch bigger fish quicker on lighter elastics with safety. Extremely effective way when you are catching lots of big fish and need to get back in quickly 3 KITS IN THE RANGE Code Length (m) Sections Weight (g) Elastic Rating RRP (£) K2iPKU 2.90 competition power puller 2 44 20 (2.1mm) £59.99 K2iMLKV 2.90 match lite puller 2 40 12 (1.4mm) £89.99 K2iPLKV 2.90 power lite puller 2 40 20 (2.1mm) £89.99
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